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Islam beyond conflict : Indonesian Islam and Western political theory / [edited by] Azyumardi Azra and Wayne Hudson

Contributor(s): Azra, Azyumardi | Hudson, Wayne.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Law, ethics and governance: Publisher: Aldershot ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008Description: x, 237 p. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 9780754670926 (hbk).Subject(s): Islamic law -- Indonesia | Islam and politics -- Indonesia | Indonesia -- Politics and government
Political modernity and Indonesian Islam : a manifesto / Azyumardi Azra and Wayne Hudson -- Islamic perspectives and the rules of law and constitutionalism / N.A. Fadhil Lubis -- Constitutional values and an Islamic state / Adnan Buyung Nasution -- The ambiguities of the rule of law / Brian Galligan -- Western and Islamic conceptions of the rule of law / Spencer Zifcak -- Democracy and Islam / Bahtiar Effendy -- Islam and democratisation in Indonesia / Ahmad Syafii Maarif -- Islam and the claims of democracy / Graham Maddox -- Democratic leadership / Haig Patapan -- Islamic perspectives on citizenship and statehood / N.A. Fadhil Lubis -- Towards a conceptual framework for citizenship / Geoffrey Stokes -- Liberal and communitarian approaches to citizenship / Janna Thompson -- Problems with citizenship / Barry Hindess -- Religious pluralism in Indonesia / Azyumardi Azra -- Pluralism and liberalism / John Kane -- Pluralism and universalism / George Crowder -- Human rights and duties in Islam / N.A. Fadhil Lubis -- Human rights and pluralism / Joseph Camilleri -- Civil society and tolerance in indonesia / Saiful Mujani -- Civil society and the media in Indonesia / Philip Kitley -- Indonesian Islam and democracy : ways ahead / Wayne Hudson and Azyumardi Azra
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Political modernity and Indonesian Islam : a manifesto / Azyumardi Azra and Wayne Hudson -- Islamic perspectives and the rules of law and constitutionalism / N.A. Fadhil Lubis -- Constitutional values and an Islamic state / Adnan Buyung Nasution -- The ambiguities of the rule of law / Brian Galligan -- Western and Islamic conceptions of the rule of law / Spencer Zifcak -- Democracy and Islam / Bahtiar Effendy -- Islam and democratisation in Indonesia / Ahmad Syafii Maarif -- Islam and the claims of democracy / Graham Maddox -- Democratic leadership / Haig Patapan -- Islamic perspectives on citizenship and statehood / N.A. Fadhil Lubis -- Towards a conceptual framework for citizenship / Geoffrey Stokes -- Liberal and communitarian approaches to citizenship / Janna Thompson -- Problems with citizenship / Barry Hindess -- Religious pluralism in Indonesia / Azyumardi Azra -- Pluralism and liberalism / John Kane -- Pluralism and universalism / George Crowder -- Human rights and duties in Islam / N.A. Fadhil Lubis -- Human rights and pluralism / Joseph Camilleri -- Civil society and tolerance in indonesia / Saiful Mujani -- Civil society and the media in Indonesia / Philip Kitley -- Indonesian Islam and democracy : ways ahead / Wayne Hudson and Azyumardi Azra

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